Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For the Birds

The top photo-was taken Friday, not a very good photo, but I thought it told a story about the weather. When I bought out the peanuts, it was a different story, they were almost eating out of my hand. The bottom photo was taken from the inside out.

I just started following Abe Lincolns http://mybirdsblog.blogspot.com/ with his amazing bird photos, WoW. He inspired me so much that I actually started my blackbird series last night. Haven't shared those photos yet, thought I would go over the steps, maybe, to the finish. The post might be on the second Thursday of the week.

I paint and draw intuitively, so this idea might not work. I draw something out and the painting looks so different than my thoughts.

Birdee (my Africa Gray) is very talkative this morning, asked what I was doing. I wouldn't put it past her if she started her own blog, hmmmm, that's a thought. Cats and dogs do it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow and wow and wow. You are making real progress and in no time should be able to work the birds even closer to your window where you can get masterful closeups. I hope so or I should say I hope it works out for you too.
